
We grow our veggies in 4 packs for $3.29

  • Anuenue - 45-60 day (pronounced AH-new-ee-new-ee)  selected for warm growing conditions. Chartreuse heads are exceptionally tender, Holds up to heat and stays sweet under stress.

  • Black Seeded Simpson - 45 days, Loose leaf lettuce, frilled, crumpled leaves are crisp and tender. This cool weather vegetable is a vigorous grower, never bitter.

  • Blushed Butter Cos - 50-60 days, Romaine-type leaves with a sweet, juicy flavor and a buttery texture with a bit of crunch

  • Boston - 45 days, medium to large in size and rounded in shape with loose, wavy, cupped leaves, tender and crisp with a sweet, nutty, and mildly astringent flavor.

  • Buttercrunch - 65 days, Classic butterhead type. Soft, buttery-textures leaves enclose a crisp, juicy, loose inner head of blanched, sweet-tasting leaves. Very heat-tolerant and slow to bolt, buttercrunch stays mild long after others have turned bitter.

  • Endive - 80 to 90 days, nutritious leafy green that comes from the chicory plant family. When raw, endives are crisp and bitter, making them a great addition to salads. When cooked, endive's sharp flavor softens into a mellow, nutty sweetness.

  • Escarole - 85 to 100 days, Escarole is a broad-leafed endive that looks like butterhead lettuce save for its slightly crumpled, jagged leaves. The flavor of escarole is less bitter than other members of the endive family, very much akin to the taste of radicchio

  • Iceberg - 85 days, has pale green leaves and grows in cabbage-like heads, mild, sweet flavor and a pleasant crunch

  • Lettuce Mix -

  • Lollo Rosso - 60 days, Italian, red loose-leaf variety, cur-and-come-again lettuce, crisp and chewy with a sweet, slightly bitter, and nutty flavor. Prefers cooler temperatures

  • Mache - 60 days, (common names, corn salad and lamb's lettuceThe sweet, slightly nutty leaves are tender and juicy. Grows slowly, taking up to 60 days to mature, but you can snip off and eat outer leaves while the plant is growing. The leaves stay sweet on the plant for quite a while without turning bitter. When temperatures top 80°, mâche wants to bolt (go to seed)

  • Mesclun Mix - 35 to 45 days, Mesclun greens are valued for their color, variety, nutritional punch, and mix of flavors. Salad mesclun is a mix comprised of the young, tender new leaves of several greens species , delicate lettuces and herbs, including rocket, chervil, and frisée, for a variety of textures and flavors

  • Nevada - 48 days, Bright green leaves form dense, closed heads. Resists tip-burn, bottom rot, and bolting, and its great flavor stays mild. Heavy heads. Spring and summer crops.

  • New Red Fire - 55 days, Produces an impressive loose leaf head. Crisp and sweet, with proven bolt resistance. New Red Fire can be grown in both cool and warm weather conditions without becoming bitter.

  • Paris Island Cos - 68 days, Romaine, grows long, spoon-shaped leaves that fold into an upright, loose head 8 to 9" tall. It is very crisp, tender. This cool weather vegetable withstands warm weather better than most other lettuce. Sweet and mild.

  • Radicchio - radicchio is appealingly bitter with a nut-like texture. Like a slow-growing lettuce, the heads form without being cut back or forced

  • Red Romaine - 50 days, Long, wide, spooned shaped leaves have a crisp, crunchy texture. At maturity this plant stands at 12" tall and the plant is about 10-12" wide. It can be harvested earlier for little baby heads of romaine.

  • Romaine - 75 to 85 days, Romaine lettuce contain elongated, thick leaves which are crisp and savory, and hold these qualities well after harvest. Very heat resistant, the plants are slow to bolt; ideal for either fall or spring.

  • Red Sails - 40 days, Mild, bitter-free flavor,  you can harvest early for baby leaf lettuce or wait until full maturity. Its leaves are sweet, large, crumpled and crinkly, ruffled with a bronze-red color and deeply lobed leaves spanning up to 10" across. It's slow to bolt

  • Red Salad Bowl - 50 to 60 days, variety of looseleaf lettuce with oakleaf type leaves. The deep red and purple leaves are especially tender, with sweet and spicy tones, is best grown during the cooler portions of the growing season in spring or fall, though it is slow to bolt in warmer conditions.

  • Salad Bowl - 45 days, Stays mild and sweet. Fast growing, big-yielding variety. Long standing. Heat resistant, does not get bitter in hot weather. Very slow to bolt.